Punctural reflexotherapy


According to a concept of the oriental medicine each session of acupuncture should be proceeded by investigation of the meridian system In order to prescribe appropriate acupoints. We conduct such investigation by means of neurofunctional diagnostics. Proceeding from results of this diagnostics we differentiate 4 main levels of physiological balance.

Level 1. A general index of physiological balance of the organism is disturbed (by Chinese medicine) or general autonomic tonus of the organism (by Western medicine).

Level 2. Correlation of group Indices of physiological balance between Yin - and Yang meridians is disturbed (by Chinese medicine) or comparative characteristics of parasympathetic autonomic tonus and of sympathetic autonomic tonus (by Western medicine).

Level 3. Correlation of group indices between the group of meridians with corresponding points on upper extremities and the one with corresponding points on lower extremities is disturbed, the so-called, quadrant disturbances of group Indices (by Chinese medicine) or a more detailed comparison of autonomic tonus on separate departments of the right and left-hand half of brain (by Western medicine).

Level 4. Indices of physiological balance (Yin/Yang)of individual meridians are disturbed (by Chinese medicine) or a relation "sympatheticus/ parasympatheticus" in certain functional system brain (by Western medicine).

According to its logics the acupuncture therapy should be directed to a discovered level of physiological balance disturbance. It is useless to influence a higher level since the physiological balance on this level will remain inaffected and the correction of the disturbance on a lower level will not take place.

Level 1. The disturbance of the general index of physiological balance is determined proceeding from a mean value of electroinductivity measured on all related points. Depending on this value 6 types of general index conditions are differentiated, each type requiring a certain approach to the selection of acupoints. We do treating on this level when a mean value of electroinductivity measured on all related points is very big or very little and we use points of general operating.

Level 2. This level includes disturbances of physiological balance between Yin- and Yang groups of meridians. In this case the sum value of electroconductivlty measured on Ying meridian points is compared to that measured on Yang meridian points. 4 types of correlations between group indices are differentiated on the 2nd level, each of them requiring a specific selection of acupoints. As a rule we use key-points of Yin and Yang extraordinal meridians.

Level 3. The index of physiological balance on the 3d level is estimated by comparing electroconductivity values of the related points to a standard value indicated in electropunctural chart. Here we depict 8 main types of disturbances as well as corresponding rules for selecting appropriate acupoints. As a rule we use key-points of Yin and Yang extraordinal meridians and also general LO-puncts of upper and lower extremities.

Level 4. The physiological balance on the 4th level can be described in two ways:

1) it can be redundant in case the electroconductivity value of a related point is higher that the upper border of the physiological corridor;

2) It can be insuffucient in case the electroconductivity value of a related point is lower than that of the lower border of the physiological corridor. In order to achieve the highest therapeutical effect on this level the interaction between all affected meridians should be taken into consideration.

We have worked out a theory of "pathophysiological cycles" according to which any disturbance of the physiological balance of the organism can be schematically shown as a chain of successively interacting meridians, which are pathologically changed. That is why all points as well as methods of therapeutical influence are selected in the order of priority basing on the results of the neurofunctional diagnosis. We use main points (SHU-points) of meridians and rules of influence on based of WUSING and 'Diurnal cycle of activity of meridians'.