Vers. from 2011




On starting the program the window with the main control buttons (NFD, Diagnose, Phantom, Treatment, Phyto, Massage, Models, Archive, Print, Service, Reference, Finish ) is displayed on the screen, the buttons are located on the upper edge of the window (Fig. A – 0).On pressing any of the buttons, the selected program function is activated

For example, if you press the button “Phantom”, the conclusive result of the testing is displayed on the screen in the form of a color schematic figure of a man with inner organs when you test inner systems of the organism (Fig. C - 1) or, when you test the vertebral column, in the form of a color scheme of spinal nerves (Fig. C-2 and C-3).

The text version of the conducted test, i.e. the deciphering of the color scale of the phantom, can be displayed on pressing the button ”Diagnose”( Fig. B-1 or Fig. B–2).

Any testing procedure begins with registering the patients by pressing the button “New” (for patients tested for the first time) or the button “Old” (for patients tested previously and stored in the archive).
Then you can start the investigation.

The testing procedure goes automatically when you place the active electrode on the skin area. The succession of the skin areas is displayed on the screen in the “on-line” mode in the form of the area atlas (Fig. A–1 or A–2 for spinal nerves).In the “on-line” mode the readings are registered in the table of readings while the diagram of skin conductivity changing with time is being built in the nearby window (Fig. A-3).

After the testing has been completed, the results can be displayed on the screen in the form of

  • The latter histogram uses a 5-score scale to estimate and represent in colors such readings as
    “I”- general tonus of the organism (life tonus), 
    “II” -general vegetative tonus (activity ratio of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve systems),
    “III”- disturbances in the central nervous system ‘III’ (the brain and the spinal cord) and

    “IV-/”V” - summarized reading of disturbances in separate inner systems of the organism

    Any information can be printed while reviewing it by pressing the button “Print”.
    To start the program “Acupuncture therapy”, press the button “Treatment”. The program window will be displayed on the screen (Fig.D-0). In the upper left corner of the window you will see the receipt of acupuncture points which are selected for the given patient on the base of the current testing procedure with regard to the disturbance level of the patient’s meridian system. 
    The algorhythm for this selection is given in the book of  I. V. Boitsov  “Electropuncture diagnostics according to “riodoraku”, Vitebsk, 1996.

    The users who are just beginners can refer to the atlas of acupuncture points (button “Atlas of Points”) where the locations of points are described (Fig.D-1). The complex «POINTS» foresees the action on the acupuncture points by electric current using methods of acupuncture and electroacupuncture, as well as the injection of drugs into the points by microelectrophoresis. This procedure is carried out automatically, you should only place the active electrode on the necessary point and select the necessary mode - toning up or sedation - by pressing the button. The procedure will be automatically finished after the program time is over.

    The program “Acupuncture therapy” also contains extensive reference information about the method. 
    On pressing the button “Parameters of action” you can get acquainted with the rules of toning-up and sedation of points by methods of acupuncture, moxa, electroacupuncture and point massage.
    After the button “Additional points” is pressed the program will introduce you to the points of analgesia which are used in various pathologic states of the organism.
    On pressing the button “Calculation of points” the program will automatically calculate open points of the main and “wonderful” meridians for the current or any pre-set dates (Fig.D-2).

    On pressing the button “Nosology” the program will introduce you to the rules of therapy of patients suffering from smoking, overweight and psyhogenic impotence  by means of the complex “POINTS”.
    To start the program “Phytotherapy”, press the button “Phyto” (Fig.А-0).The window of the corresponding program appears on the screen (Fig.Е-0) with the names of the organ systems.

    The selection of officinal plants for patients’ treatment can be carried out on the base of the patient’s diagnosis either with the help of handbooks of western medicine stored in the software or automatically, on the base of oriental medicine principles with regard to the state of the patient’s meridian system.
    The first mode of administration of phytotherapy is more acceptable and more often applicable for the doctors with western medical education. The program “POINTS” contains  receipts of phytotherapy, diet therapy and juice therapy for the most various pathologic states of the organism (about 4500 receipts). Besides, the program includes a reference book and an atlas of 200 officinal plants from the North- Western region.  
    The administration of officinal plants according to the oriental principle is carried out automatically by the software with regard to the state of the patient’s meridian system after pressing the button “YING-YANG”. A detailed instruction on the preparation and application of the selected plants is given. Besides,   with the help of the program “Mathematic modeling”, you can administer phytotherapy for a whole group of patients suffering from typical disturbances of their organisms under the influence of similar harmful factors (professional , environmental ones or adverse reactions of  a therapy).
    To start the program “Mathematic modeling”, press the button “Models”. This program software is used for processing diagnostic results of patients’ groups and not of one patient and serves for finding out typical disturbances in their organisms under the influence of certain factors. With the help of this program product the following tasks can be solved on the base of diagnostics results:
    1) Typical changes in the inner system can be detected in the groups of patients influenced by certain factors (harmful professional or environmental ones, etc.) or suffering from the same pathology. 
    2)  A risk group of patients with regard to certain pathology can be singled out (for example when conducting preventive examinations). This is especially important in case of harmful production conditions.
    3)   You can detect the most suitable persons according to their health condition among applicants for work in a certain workshop. 
    4)    You can investigate the velocity and character of the resulting changes in the typical signs of a patients’ group under a certain (therapeutic or harmful) influence.
    5)   You can reveal patients with indications for a certain therapeutic procedure, for example,  for procedures improving the condition of sympathetic-tonic or parasympathetic-tonic patients and contributing to the increase of vital resources of the organism, etc.  
    To enter the program archive, press the button “Archive” (Fig. A-0).The list of registered at any time patients will be then displayed on the screen in an alphabetic order as well as the list of all their conducted tests (Fig.M-0).

    When you place the cursor on the name of any patient you can display on the screen or print the results of any patient’s tests as a phantom, text conclusion or in the form of any graphic variant.
    You can compare the results of various tests (e.g. before and after the treatment, Fig.M-1), display on the screen the graphs of changing for a certain reading based on the results of various tests (e.g. the reading of gall-bladder muscle activity, Fig.M-2).

    You can start a patient’s history and complete it in an electronic form making necessary corrections at any time.
    To enter the “Service center“ of the program “POINTS”, press the button” Service”.(Fig.A-0). Here you can (Fig.N-0):

    change the program language (English, Russian, German, Spanish, Polish, Turkish, Lettish and others., Fig. N-1),

    select a program product according to your tasks (e.g., diagnostics of the  inner systems of the organism or diagnostics of spinal nerves, Fig. N- 2),

    create and  connect additional archives and so on (Fig.N-3).

    Working with the program you can at any time receive any reference about your current task by pressing the button “Reference” on the upper panel of the screen (Fig.P-0) or, for a current stage of working with the program, by pressing the button F1 on the keyboard (Fig.P-1).

    To quit the program, press the button “Finish” (Fig. А-0).