About us

Employees of Vitebsk state medical University, the Belarus medical Academy, the Belarus state University together with the Center of intellectual systems 'AVICENNA' have developed a hardware-software complex of Segmentary Neuro-Functional Diagnostics and treatments "POINTS".

Program Complex maintenance is realised in 30 languages. Users of a complex are Medical institutions in more than 25 countries of the world.

Working out Complex began in 1991 with automation of measurements and interpretation Results of testing on method Y.Nakatani (diagnostics on 'ryodoraku'). Today the functional Complex possibilities are expanded by the new Methods of Segmentary Neuro-Functional Diagnostics: Dynamic Segmentary Diagnostics the internal Systems of the person and Dynamic Segmentary Diagnostics the spinal Nerves. Also well-known methods of therapy are included in a complex: electropunctural therapy, microelectrophoresis, Herbal medicine, east massage.

Beginning Since 1993 to methods of Segmentary Neuro-Functional Diagnostics we have trained more than 800 doctors from more than 25 countries of the world.

Complex "POINTS" is used in offices of reflexotherapy, functional diagnostics, manipulation and preventive Medicine, also in practice of sports doctors, privately practicing Experts and scientific activity (there are 5 dissertations).